ST26108 wt
white mother of pearl heart ring
total height 5mm
Y3109 mp
mother of pearl long drop earring
total height 45mm
max width 4mm
ST26115 mp
mother of pearl celtic ring
max height 5mm
stone diam 3mm
ST2693 mp
mother of pearl round stud
diameter 5mm
ST2596 ml
multi- colour mother of pearl starfish earring
total height 35mm
max width 20mm
Y2251 mp
white mother of pearl leaf stud
total height 10mm
max width 5mm
E2922 mp
mother of pearl turtle pendant
total height 23mm
max width 17mm
ST2596 wt
white mother of pearl starfish earring
total height 35mm
max width 20mm
ST2598 wt
white mother of pearl starfish pendant
total height 38mm
max width 25mm
D201 mp
teardrop white mother of pearl earring
total height 30mm
teardrop 12x10mm
ST26108 pk
pink mother of pearl heart ring
total height 5mm
ST2598 ml
multi mother of pearl starfish pendant
total height 38mm
max width 25mm
ST26112 wt
white mother of pearl star ring
total height 7mm
max width 7mm
D2401 mp
white mother of pearl oval ring
total height 12mm
max width 10mm
ST26100 mp
mother of pearl teardrop pendant
total height 30mm
max width 18mm
shell 14x15mm
music ring
max band width 9mm
ST2569 mp
mother of pearl seahorse earring
total height 30mm
max width 8mm
D2407 mp
teardrop white mother of pearl pendant
total height 28mm
max width 14mm
mop 15x10mm
D747 bl
blue mosaic mother of pearl fish stud
total height 15mm
max width 12mm
D2426 mp
mother of pearl triangle bubbles earring
total height 35mm
max width 18mm
E2934 bl
blue mother of pearl ring tree of life pendant
total height 29mm
diameter 20mm
ST2573 mp
mother of pearl dragonfly pendant
total height 23mm
max width 15mm
ST2681 mp
mother of pearl oval ring
max height 14mm
max width 10mm
ST34105 mp
mother of pearl tendril ring
total height 28mm
max width 20mm
ST26107 wt
mother of pearl marquise celtic ring
total height 4mm
ST2936 bl
blue mother of pearl dragonfly ring
max height 15mm
ST26114 pk
pink mother of pearl butterfly ring
max width 10mm
max height 7mm
ST2934 wt
white mother of pearl 2 leaves ring
total height 10mm
max width 10mm
ST2261 wt
mother of pearl butterfly pendant
total height 18mm
max width 12mm
ST3406 wt
white mother of pearl hearts ring
total height 3mm
max width 10mm
ST26114 wt
mother of pearl butterfly ring
max width 10mm
max height 7mm
D747 pk
pink mother of pearl mosaic fish stud
total height 15mm
max width 12mm
D747 pk
pink mother of pearl mosaic fish stud
total height 15mm
max width 12mm
heart ball bracelet
max width 5mm
length 6 5/8"(17cm)
ST3411 pk/bl
pink & blue mother of pearl star & moon ring
total height 5mm
max width 8mm
E826 pk
Pink mother of pearl 2 flower ring
total height 18mm
max width 18mm
blue mother of pearl heart earring
total height 22mm
max width 6mm
mother of pearl sun earring
total height 28mm
max width 15mm
ST3408 wt
white mother of pearl two waves ring
total height 5mm
max width 10mm
ST3411 on/wt
onyx & mother of pearl star & moon ring
total height 5mm
max width 8mm
E2935 bl
blue mother of pearl ring tree of life earring
total height 38mm
diameter 20mm
pink mother of pearl mosaic fish pendant
total height 25mm
max width 13mm
ST3403 pk
pink mother of pearl round twist ring
diameter 6mm
ST26110 mp
mother of pearl ovals ring
max band width 6mm
ST2261 pk
pink mother of pearl butterfly pendant
total height 18mm
max width 12mm
round mosaic mother of pearl pendant
total height 35mm
diameter 25mm
oval mosaic mother of pearl pendant
total height 40mm
max width 30mm
ST3413 wt
mother of pearl starfish ring
max height 18mm
max width 18mm
ST3405 mp
mother of pearl marquise frame ring
total height 15mm
max width 10mm
stone 12 x 8mm