moon studs
total height 5.5mm
max width 5mm
Y3105 crl
coral sunburst earring
total height 35mm
max width 17mm
moon & star pendant
total height 25mm
max width 16 mm
sky disk of nebra earring
total height 26mm
max width 10mm
ST3411 ab
abalone star & moon ring
total height 5mm
max width 8mm
stars hoop earring
total height 23mm
diameter 16mm
sky disk of nebra pendant
total height 25mm
max width 18mm
ST3411 pk/bl
pink & blue mother of pearl star & moon ring
total height 5mm
max width 8mm
mother of pearl sun earring
total height 28mm
max width 15mm
ST3411 on/wt
onyx & mother of pearl star & moon ring
total height 5mm
max width 8mm
ST3411 tq
turquoise star & moon ring
total height 5mm
max width 8mm
ST3410 on
onyx moon ring
total height 8mm
max width 7mm
ST3410 ab
abalone moon ring
totqal height 8mm
max width 7mm
ST3410 bl
blue mother of pearl moon ring
total height 8mm
max width 7mm
sky disk of nebra stud
diameter 10mm
crescent moon earring
total height 30mm
max width 15mm
galaxy pendant
total height 41mm
max width 38mm
galaxy earring
total height 39mm
max width 22mm
mother of pearl sun pendant
total height 31mm3=
max width 24mm
ST3410 tq
turquoise moon ring
total height 8mm
max width 7mm
ST3411 bl
blue mother of pearl star & moon ring
total height 5mm
max width 8mm